OK - boys and girls - what is so very, very wrong with the very last sentence of a three page story about one of the last directors (Robert Wise) who worked in the 1930's/1940's glory days of Hollywood?
Wise's first wife, Patricia, whom he married in 1942, died in 1975. He married his second wife, Millicent, in 1977. She survives him. He is also survived by a son, a daughter and a granddaughter, whose names were not available at press time.
Not available at press time? Why? Hadn't his kids been given names by then? Were they still too afraid of identity theft?
I mean, like every newspaper on this planet keeps pre-written obits on file - so how could these very basic facts have been omitted? Seriously - this guy was freakin' ... 91... so it's not like this should have come as such a big shock to the Times. So how could they have not been better prepared?.
But, skipping over that, for the moment - the truly sad part is what this depressingly pathetic fact bodes for the City of Los Angeles. And that is... that even with all the people running and working at the LA Times - there wasn't a single person who knew the names of Robert Wise's kids or granddaughter.
OK - so that's not the end of the world - but it gets worse. Far worse. It also means that there also wasn't even a single person who knew anyone to call to find that out! Or - worse yet - it also means there wasn't even a single person who knew whom to call who knew whom to call who knew whom they could call!
Talk about degress of seperation...
Now is there really anything else you need to know about the Los Angeles Times?
I didn't think so.
It is now 4:30 PM - the next day and they still have not updated the story.
It is now early Friday morning and the Friday paper is on-line and the Wednesday story still reads...
He is also survived by a son, a daughter and a granddaughter, whose names were unavailable at press time.
Maybe we can all chip in and buy an ouija board for the LA Times to help fill in the gap.
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