Thursday, October 06, 2005

LA Times Skid Row Series Keeps Getting Better And Better!,0,3581498.story?coll=la-home-local

I've almost been afraid to comment on the latest stories about the 'dumping' of the homeless, criminals, drug addicts and the sick on Skid Row for fear of jinxing the yeoman work being done by Cara Mia DiMassa and Richard Winton.

This series started by saying this 'dumping' had long been an urban legend, one that had never been proven. Those of us who live downtown found that a little... say we say... disingenuous... to be polite about it... even by the never anything less than staggering standards of cluelessness at the LA Times.

But since any reporter just starting on this story would only have the morgue at the Times to check - their complete ignorance of what was happening only steps from the fortress on Spring Street was... totally understandable.

But these two reporters have now shown that the 'dumping' that could never be proven by the LAT in the past is so extensive that at just one - just one - of dozens of service providers in downtown, an almost endless line of police cars from 10 - yes - TEN - different police agencies dropped off over 150 intoxicated homeless at just one agency in the heart of Skid Row in just one month.

And those are just the ones who bothered to sign them in at the agency; it does not cover those who just did a drop and run at their front door, often under the cover of darkness.

Then they also examine the differences between dropping off people at specific service givers qualified to deal with a person's problems, police agencies that just take people to the sidewalk in front of a random service provider, not caring if it is the right agency or not (hey, he's not longer our problem - why worry?) - and those who quietly at night just dump anyone they don't want in their neighborhood - in our neighborhood. And while the LA Times does not cover this - this is often done from unmarked police cars.

And then this article goes even further and examines the many reasons why this process occurs and the different points of view and ... well - that leads us to today's article.,0,4040252.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Today's installment - with reporter Cara Mia DiMassa joined by Stuart Pfeifer this time - describes the differing points of view of Chief William Bratton and Sheriff Lee Baca and how Los Angeles - the city of a 1,000 - plans is struggling - yet again - to develop... another plan.

Stay tuned!

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