Monday, May 08, 2006

LA Times Circulation Continues To Free Fall!

But both the New York Times AND the Chicago Tribune gain readers:

FAS-FAX Numbers Show More Circ Declines
For the six-month period ending March 2006 compared to the same period a year ago, circulation at newspapers -- particularly those in major cities -- has continued to drop. - May 08, 2006 8:10 AM ET

Daily circulation at the Los Angeles Times dropped about 5.4% to 851,832. Sunday proved better for the paper, down 1.8%.

Now since the LA TImes circulation area continues to gain in population, one would think there would be a point at which the circulation would start to rise and not drop - or that at least the rate of fall would decrease.

But no.

Once again, not only did LA Times lose readers but it lost more of them and at a faster rate than any of the other ten largest papers in the country.

The problem is that despite marked improvements in parts of the paper - train wrecks like the new WEST Magazine are still all too common.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Despite the fact that there are many honest, talented journalists at the place, they put it together as though they're scared that it might look too interesting if they told us what they know.

    And when an election approaches, objectivity departs.

  2. In Chicago, the Tribune is selling subscriptions for 99 cents per week. That might have something to do with the increase here.
