Thursday, February 01, 2007

Agenda For This Saturday's Neighborhood Councils Congress!

Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress

Senate Agenda
February 3, 2007
(10 a.m.)

DWP John Ferraro Building (Conference Rooms behind Cafeteria)

111 N. Hope Street – West side of Street Across from Music Center
between First and Temple Streets, Downtown Los Angeles.
Enter directly from parking lot level.

Parking free at Hope Street entrance if you say you are there for Neighborhood Councils Congress.
Nearest Red Line Subway Station is at First and Hill 2 blocks away.

1. Call to order and roll call.

2. Approval of the minutes

3. Public Comment (2 minutes per speaker on non-agenda items)

4. City of Los Angeles Deputy Mayor, Larry Frank, will discuss education and the Neighborhood Councils. He will then present a number of upcoming projects the NC’s may wish to consider participating in and hold a question and answer session on any topics of concern to the audience.

5. Reports from board members and/or Neighborhood Councils.


6a. Executive Committee - Vote on recommendation to temporarily combine all administrative committees including DONE, Congress, Legal Action, Communications, Outreach, Agenda, and Technology with the Executive Committee and to then have posted, open to the public meetings of the Executive Committee which any board member can fully participate in.

b. The Los Angeles Times has asked LANCC for ideas on how they can improve the Times’ coverage of local issues and local communities. Come prepared with suggestions you or your stakeholders have on this topic. We will also discuss if we would like to suggest that NC’s be integrated into the LA Times and other media websites. Need to get initial feedback prior to February 26th.

c. Creation of a LANCC Review and Goal Setting Committee open to all stakeholders chaired by Greg Nelson and Ken Draper to evaluate where we are and where we should be going. Discussion of time line for report.

d. Update on Meeting with Trust for Public Land.

7. Report from UNCOLA, the 501c3 created to independently fund LANNC.

8. Update from DWP MOU Committee on MOU renewal progress and pending vote by members of that committee to become LANCC’s DWP committee.

9. Consideration of inviting members of the Planning MOU Committee to become the Planning Committee of LANCC.

10. Historic Resources Committee – Report on upcoming Sunday March 18th – SAVING LOS ANGELES - citywide historic & cultural resource preservation conference at the Los Angeles Theater at 615 S. Broadway co-sponsored by LANCC, the Planning Department and the Conservancy.

Report on proposed Los Angeles Museum.

11. Transportation Committee – Report on Feb. 10th meeting of Transportation Committee Meeting on how neighborhood councils can work with city in developing a mobility master plan and defining the goals of the committee. Discussion on questions co-chairs are proposing we ask our stakeholders:

12. Outreach Committee – Presentation about our participation at the Home Show.

13. Congress of Neighborhoods Committee – Discussion on LANCC participation at April DONE Congress and possible fall 2007 Congress. We are guaranteed one room for the duration of the event and may have one more. That could give us up to six sessions. What types of formats do we want to use? What subjects do we want to tackle? Whom should we invite as guest speakers? Which NC council member experts should be presenters? Come prepared to discuss these items.

14. Cultural Affairs Committee. Report on meeting with acting general manager and progress on setting up ad hoc committee to deal with location filming issues. Discussion of supporting documentation on request to NC’s that they considering asking the city to increase the budget of Cultural Affairs.

15. Legal Action Committee. Report by Len Schaffer and Jeff Jacobberger on city attorney letter concerning LANCC.

16. (Time permitting) Discussion and possible action regarding restructuring existing committees and forming new committees such as Homeless/ Social Services & Parks and Recreation.

17. Public Comment

18. Future Agenda Items

19. Adjournment.

Next LANCC Senate Meeting: March 3, 2007 (10 a.m.)

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