Thursday, March 29, 2007

LA Times Website Guru To Address Neighborhood Councils This Saturday!

Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress

Senate Agenda
Saturday March 31, 2007
(12:30 p.m.)

855 N. Vermont
Room 105 Holmes Hall - just west of Alliance’s meeting place
One-half block from Vermont/Santa Monica Blvd. Red Line Station
Parking is across Vermont from LACC. Coming north or south on the 101 (Hollywood) Freeway, exit onto VERMONT. Turn NORTH to MARATHON ST. Turn EAST onto MARATHON, then NORTH into the lot. & Holmes Hall is due left of the faculty lounge as shown on the map.

1. Call to order and roll call.

2. Approval of the minutes

3. Public Comment (2 minutes per speaker on non-agenda items)

4. Reports from board members/Neighborhood Councils including: Tarzana asks that Neighborhood Councils be granted the right of appeal on planning and zoning matters and San Pedro requests that a citywide transportation plan to be developed in consultation with the NC’s.
5. Discussion/vote on date of board officer elections now scheduled for May. Open nominations.
6. Report on SAVING LA CONFERENCE & other committee reports.
7. Rob Barrett, head of interactive media and the website of the Los Angeles Times, will discuss how the Times will cover local neighborhoods and how the NC's can be a part of that coverage.
7. Report on DONE Congress & LANCC participation.

8. Other committee reports.

9. Formation of any new committees.

10. Public Comment

11. Future Agenda Items

12. Adjournment.

NEXT LANCC Senate Meeting: Saturday May 5th 10 AM

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