Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress
Amended Senate Agenda
(item 10 added)
Saturday March 3, 2007
(10:30 a.m.)
200 N. Spring Street
Room 1035
One block from Civic Center Red Line Station
For parking – either use your NC parking pass at the City Hall garage or e-mail Brady Westwater (213-804-8396) at bradywestwater@gmail.com AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – but by Friday morning at the latest for a parking pass. E-MAIL me your license plate number and make/model of your car and your phone number AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so I can contact you with your parking information.
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Approval of the minutes
3. Public Comment (2 minutes per speaker on non-agenda items)
4. Reports from board members and/or Neighborhood Councils: Communication from Coastal San Pedro NC and Northridge West NC regarding resolutions relating to the April 2007 Congress of Neighborhoods and concerns about costs being incurred by the City.
5. Discussion regarding new DONE GM and Assistant GM and inviting them to address us.
6. Report on meeting with publisher of Los Angeles Times and other LAT staff members; invite Publisher David Hiller to speak with us.
7. Report from UNCOLA, the 501c3 created to independently fund LANNC.
8. Update from DWP MOU Committee on MOU renewal progress.
9. Historic Resources Committee – Report on upcoming Sunday March 18th – SAVING LOS ANGELES - citywide historic & cultural resource preservation conference at the Los Angeles Theater at 615 S. Broadway co-sponsored by LANCC, the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council, the Planning Department and the Conservancy.
10. Report on Mayor’s Budget Day Meeting from regional budget reps and discussion on how to continue the dialogue with the Mayor’s office about NC’s having more input on budgetary decisions.
11. Update on DONE memos - "Disruptions and Financial expenditure mandate"
12. Update on City Attorney opinion regarding LANCC.
13. Presentation about upcoming single election day for a number of Valley NC’s.
14. Discussion and action if we should change next meeting date to Saturday March 31st due to first Saturday in April being Easter Sunday weekend.
15. Creation of Animal Welfare Committee and Appointment of Dr. Charlotte Laws to head committee.
16. Transportation Committee – Update on next Transportation Committee Meeting:
17. Outreach Committee – Report on participation at the Home Show.
18. Congress of Neighborhoods Committee – Discussion on LANCC participation at April DONE Congress and possible fall 2007 Congress. We are guaranteed one room for the duration of the event and may have one more. That could give us up to six sessions. What types of formats do we want to use? What subjects do we want to tackle? Whom should we invite as guest speakers? Which NC council member experts should be presenters?
19. Other committee reports.
20. Formation of any new committees.
21. Public Comment
22. Future Agenda Items
23. Adjournment.
NEXT LANCC Senate Meeting: TBA
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