Thursday, May 17, 2007

Agenda For This Saturday's Neighborhood Councils Congress!

Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress

Senate Agenda
Saturday May 19th, 2007
(12:30 p.m.)

855 N. Vermont
Room 105 Holmes Hall - just west of Alliance’s meeting place
One-half block south of Vermont/Santa Monica Blvd. Red Line Station
Parking is across Vermont from LACC. Coming north or south on the 101 (Hollywood) Freeway, exit onto VERMONT. Turn NORTH to MARATHON ST. Turn EAST onto MARATHON, then NORTH into the lot. & Holmes Hall is due left of the faculty lounge as shown on the map.

1. Call to order and roll call.

2. Approval of the minutes

3. Public Comment (2 minutes per speaker on non-agenda items)

4. Reports from board members/Neighborhood Council including responses to Tarzana asking that Neighborhood Councils be granted the right of appeal on planning and zoning matters and the San Pedro request that a citywide transportation plan to be developed in consultation with the NC’s.

5. Report from Luciana Dar on status of UNCOLA – the support group for LANCC – and a request for donations to cover the costs of establishing the non-profit.

6. Discussion on how NC’s and LANCC can work with the new school board on issues affecting our communities starting with a reconsideration of controversial new school sites in areas such as Echo Park, Granada Hills and Van Nuys. Possible action item.

7. Report from DWP committee on status of the new MOU, other DWP issues and presenting a motion to ask NC’s to ask their city attorney representative about the legality of approving hiring a water trunk line crew at a recent board meeting without any public notice or any public comment and without notifying the public there was a financial impact caused by this motion.

8. Discussion on brush fire dangers within the City of Los Angeles and creation of an ad hoc committee to study recommendations including, but not limited to, the emergency replacement of wood shake roofs in fire prone neighborhoods. Possible action item.

9. Presentation by Jacque Lamishaw on LANCC participation in Los Angeles Home Show possibly starting with the June 1st – 3rd event.
10. Report from Charlotte Laws of the Animal Welfare Committee and their motion to support bill on spaying and neutering animals that is before the state legislature, AB 1634.
11. Discussion led by Greg Nelson on DONE’s May 23rd meeting to start to organize the next DONE Congress.
12. Nomination of Dede Audet to head Homelessness Committee.
13. Creating ad hoc committee taxation and revenue committee to study impacts and solutions for possible loss of revenue from recent court decisions on the DWP water transfer fee, the cell phone tax and other related issues.
14. Creating focus groups to work with Rob Barrett of the LA Times on developing community input on the redesign of the LA Times website and creating a focus group to help design a template for NC websites.
15. Report on past DONE Congress & LANCC’s participation.

16. Other committee reports and discussion of committee structure.

17. Formation of any new committees.

18. Public Comment

19. Future Agenda Items

20. Adjournment.

NEXT LANCC Senate Meeting: Saturday June 2nd 10 AM

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    it is not appropriate to promote or support a law which will force all the "law-abiding" citizens of the state to spay/neuter their pets at 4 months old. Though this age has been used for rescue and foster animals for a number of years, it is not the preferred age for the general population. Let me tell you about one of my puppies. She was spayed earlier than normal, about 4-5 months, due to scheduling with another surgery at the choice of her owner. She then developed very long, spindly legs, and also fractured a hind leg just running around in her backyard after stepping in a "hole." Her two other sisters have not had these problems, and have had normal development of bones/legs: One was spayed at the normal age (6+months) and the other is intact. The dog who was spayed too early has also shown dog aggression, which is the opposite of how her sisters behave. These 2 things have been shown to be side-effects of early spay/neuter. I will NEVER spay/neuter any of my dogs before the veterinary-recommended ages of 6 to 9 months of age as I do not believe it is healthy or wise. Also before you categorize me as a "Breeder," please let me state I have actively been rescuing dogs for over 18 years, have been in my breed for 30 years, and in all that time I have bred: Ta Da! One litter of 3 puppies. If you wish to consider me a "breeder," so be it; I can tell you know to think. I consider myself as primarily a dog-rescuer and preach spay/neuter for all pets, and strongly support only responsible breeding. The result of this law will be to make all "responsible" breeders a thing of the past. The market for puppies will never go away; people are fed this image of cute puppies all thru the media. You will see more puppy mills, more heart-wrenching smuggling of puppies from Mexico, and an underground economy fed by the public need for puppies. Since all responsible breeders will be out of business, who will provide this puppy demand? You think you can solve your little problem by outlawing breeding; you cannot control the hearts and minds of what people think they want. A better solution would have been to work with the dog clubs, responsible dog breeders, the AKC for a humane solution for everyone involved. I personally am opposed to the testicle & ovary police. I am sorry you didn't choose to involve me in the solution.
