Friday, October 12, 2007

BOXeight First Night Fashion Show - Blows The Roof Off Vibiana!

When you are producing a major event that overwhelms every second of your life and you have every possible obstacle and crisis imaginable thrown in your way - there are times you wonder if it is even ever going to happen, much less be any good - much less, be a success.

Well, our BOXeight fashions shows last night weren't just successes - they were total and complete triumphs. The set design, the production and - most importantly - the clothes were about as perfect as I can ever imagine. Project Runway winner Jeffrey Sebelia, Louis Verdad, Eduardo Lucero and the Bohemian Society and did amazing shows that demonstrated the incredible diversity of talent in this city's fashion industry.

And not only did Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa show up on his way to an important meeting - but he then came back a SECOND time to see a full show.

And I've got a lot more to say the shows and the amazing, incredible team that put them together - but it's late and there are two more nights ahead of us....

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