A proposed plan on how the 101 Freeway AKA - the Hollywood Freeway - between Alameda and Grand Avenue - can be capped with a park - and other civic amenities - will shown to the public at 5PM today - Friday 27th June - at the Cal Trans Plaza on Main Street between 1st and 2nd Streets.
Twenty-four interns from around the world came to Los Angeles to design a plan that will also include suggestions on how the adjacent neighborhoods of Downtown - the Civic Center, Bunker Hill & the Historic Core - and China Town, the Plaza & Union Station separated by the below grade 101 Freeway slot can be reconnected and revitalized.
And they did this all in two weeks.
Among the speakers will be City of Los Angeles Planning Director Gail Goldberg and Department of Transportation (Cal Trans) District Director Douglas R. Failing.
But the highlight will be a 45 minute presentation of the plan by the interns them self. Much more on this after the event along some ideas on what the Downtown community needs to do next. Because in the city with countless shelves filled with endless forgotten reports - unless we get organized to make this vision a reality - two weeks from now, the dust will already be settling on this plan.
This would have a much better impact than yet another high-rise condo/hotel project. It seems to good to be true, but hopefully it could become a reality. We need this much more than Hollywood does.