Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Single Most Sexist Remark By A Politician In 2008 Was Made By.... Caroline Kennedy??

In a political year in which almost every rule was broken - including the myth that Americans were too racist to elect a black man president - and a woman would have almost certainly won the White House if Barack Obama had not run, it is a little startling to read Caroline Kennedy's response to a question she did not like when interviewed by the New York Times on her fitness to be appointed to replace Hillary Clinton as US Senator of New York:
With several weeks to go before Mr. Paterson makes his decision, she is doling out glimpses of her political beliefs and private life. But when asked Saturday morning to describe the moment she decided to seek the Senate seat, Ms. Kennedy seemed irritated by the question and said she couldn't recall.

Have you guys ever thought about writing for, like, a woman’s magazine or something?” she asked the reporters. “I thought you were the crack political team.”

That's right. When she wanted to insult the New York Times reporters, she called them the single lowest form of journalistic life she could think of - writers for women's magazines. And then she continues:
“I’m not a conventional choice,” Ms. Kennedy said. “I haven’t followed the traditional path, but I do think I’d bring a kind of a lifetime of experience that is relevant to this job.”

Ah, yes. A lifetime of wealth and privilege where she couldn't be bothered to do all the little common place things... like voting. After all - voting is what the little people do. But it is in the closing line where the reporters clearly allow her to hang herself with her own words... and her own attitude towards them.
As things wrapped up, a reporter tried to pose another question, but she interrupted him.

“I think we’re done,” she said.

With that.... she dismissed her subjects.

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