Friday, January 22, 2010

Why Doesn't the Los Angeles Times Cover Rain Fall Amounts?

Once upon a time, if you went to the LA Times weather section, every day - 365 days a year - there was a chart that would tell you this seasons's rainfall amount along with what the historical average rainfall amount was for that time period.  Any rainfall story would also tell you how much rain had fallen during an on going storm since it's start and how much had fallen in the past 24 hours.

Now, though, that kind of reporting has long since vanished.   And since this rainy season has started - I have been unable to find - even once - any mention of the rainfall amounts for this season or even the amounts after any one specific storm has finished.  Additionally, the narrative descriptions of the forecast - beyond a few days - are less detailed then on other sites.

And - amazingly -  the top tool bar does not even have a link to the weather section of the website.

So this has become just one more reason why the LA Times website is increasingly not where I go to find out even the basics of what is happening in LA.


  1. Brooke3:56 PM

    I've been trying to find the same information myself...

  2. Brooke4:01 PM

    Rain fall:

  3. Thanks! Not quite as accessible - or as user friendly - but it's a start! And the difference in figures between USC and Downtown for this year shows why it was such a mistake to move the 'official' LA site from the Civic Center to USC.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
