Wednesday, March 03, 2010

LA Times Asks - Can LA Fashion Week Be Saved From Being A 'Ghost Town'? Find out Tomorrow

LA Fashion Week: Ghost town in the City of Angels?

March 3, 2010 |  6:00 am
Downtown LA Fashion Week? M.I.A. Passion Revealed? Not so much. Mode Israel? Unless it's operating  in "stealth mode" it's currently another one of the events from last season's crowded fashion calendar that seems to have quietly disappeared off the Los Angeles Fashion Week map.
Rage_SkingraftOf course, all that could change; downtown L.A.'s  "fashion cowboy" Brady Westwater is trying to rope the wind by offering to play go-between for displaced designers and the owners of the recently renovated 1914 Citizen's Bank space at 5th and Spring streets, to host a day or more of shows as part of the Downtown Fashion Walk (would that make it "Downtown Fashion Walk Week"? Stay tuned.)

Much more at the above link.

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