Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BLOGDOWNTOWN on Jose Huizar Assuming the Reins of Downtown Los Angeles from Jan Perry

The controversial redistricting of Downtown has had both good and bad impacts. While some have long felt DTLA would - in the long run - have more power and more control of its future if it was in one council district, other were just as vehement that our having two or three representatives n the council was the better option.

One thing almost everyone agreed upon, though, was having that long term decision being turned into a contest between Jan Perry who was about to be termed out and Jose Huizar who was to remain in office, let many of us knowing what it's like to be kids in a messy divorce when you are asked - which parent do you love the most as opposed to what is best for your long term needs.

Even more awkward was the fact - we had no real say in the matter. Now, however, the divorce is final and the custody agreements for the next ten years have been set - and we all need to move on. And so much of what DTLA is - and will continue to be - is a direct result of Jan's connection with and work with our community. 

And I am confident that in the next year Jan will continue to find ways to make the Figueroa Corridor starting at LA Live, Staples, and the Convention Center and going down to USC a new part of a greater DTLA that will increasingly become just one of the economic engines of the great 9th District.

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