Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Besides Not Knowing When The City Of Los Angeles Was Incorporated - The LA Times Also Can't Quite Seem To Figure Out Who Jay Leno Is!

These side by side corrections appear on the morning corrections site:

Leno Q&A - An article about talk show host Jay Leno in the Nov. 23 Highway 1 section said the Talladega Superspeedway was in Georgia. The race track is in Alabama.

Leno Q&A - A article about comedian Jay Leno in the Nov. 23 Highway 1 section said the Talladega Superspeedway is located in Georgia. The car track is in Alabama.

Below is the presumed 'thought' process that led to this double correction:

Comedian - or talk show host. Gee, that's a tough call! And we sure don't want to piss off Jay Leno by calling him the wrong thing. I know! Let's run two corrections and call Jay Leno something different in each one! God, are we smart!


Somehow missed that first correction uses the phrase 'an article' - while second correction uses - 'a article'. Gee - wonder if they will correct THAT in the corrections section!


Anonymous said...

Only 1 version ran in print. Were there 2 on the Web site? The site's been a bit glitchy lately.

Brady Westwater said...

Yup! Side by side since last night. Same correction but two different descriptions of Jay Leno and two different interpetations of the rules of grammar.

Anonymous said...


Why the incorporation date of LA hasn't been corrected is a mystery. Lesser things have been set straight on A2.